Monday, September 07, 2009

The Power Of Words, Revisited

A lady who had read my March 31st post about how the
meaning and the intent of the words we use may not
coincide asked me if I was not being guilty of "just
using semantics."

My response was, "Yes, I am." Because, in the literal sense,
that's exactly what I was doing.

Semantics is the study of meaning in communication.
And, I ask you, what communication do we engage in that
is more important than that with which we engage ourselves?

We do "self-talk" all the time. It is integral to how we go
about the process of thinking. Therefore, it behooves us to
insure that we say to ourselves exactly what we intend to.
This, in turn, will make it all the more likely that we achieve
what's really important to us.

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