Monday, August 17, 2009

Who Are You...Human Or Divine?

I won't keep you in suspense. The correct answer is both.

But, who are you when you do your affirmations?

Affirmations said from the point of view of a human
being run the risk of being opposed by the fundamental
belief that you are the locked into a specific set of
attributes that define what a human being is.

It is a Kabbalistic (8th sphere) and metaphysical tenet
that affirmations which seek to radically change a person's
circumstances are really only effective when they are stated
while that person is in the "likeness of God". This is what
allows an individual to tap into the "Laws of the Universe".

The exception would be any affirmations that would agree
with the karma, or incarnation objective, or astrological
influence a person is already under.

This is why the original "New Thought" teachings were
so effective. The prayers began with affirmations that
re-MINDed you that your essential was Divine. You were
also aligning your human will with Divine will so that what
you were really seeking, that is, the need behind the goal,
would manifest at the right time and in the right way.

So, who are you when you do your affirmations?
Human? Or Divine?

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